We help nursing mothers to monitor the condition and development of the baby through a convenient tracker application that digitizes data.
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~ your baby breastfeeding tracker
~ is a necessary application for every mother, that allows you to better understand and influence the physical and emotional state of the baby from the first days of life, as well as take care of your health and the health of your child:
How often do you need to feed your baby for it to feel better?
How many times does a baby sleep during the day?
What diet and activity is suitable for a baby in the first year of life?
Where can I find all the information about the development of the baby in one place?
Whom to contact in case of cracked nipples?
How can a mother identify lactostasis and who can she contact with this problem?
Feeding tracker
An indispensable tool to help you track and record your newborn's feeding information. You will be able to record the time, duration and frequency of breastfeeding or bottle feeding and the amount of food eaten. The tracker will make sure that the baby receives enough nutrients necessary for full development, and will also allow you to identify and avoid possible problems with feeding.
Sleep tracker
Helps track the time, duration and quality of your baby's sleep. It allows you to record your baby's daytime and nighttime sleep, waking up and periods of wakefulness. With it, it is convenient to set the sleep schedule for the baby, identify the causes of sleep disturbance and plan activities to improve the sleep of the baby. With the help of the tracker, you can create comfortable conditions for your baby to sleep, for example, it will remind you to set the optimal temperature and lighting in the room. And to the sounds of nature or lullabies, the child will easily and quickly fall asleep. It is important that the baby gets enough sleep, this contributes to his health and proper development.
Activity tracker
Record all the activities of the baby during the day: bathing, swaddling, playing, walking outside, new baby skills. Also, watch how your child's mood changes throughout the day. You can always see how physically active the baby is, how his motor skills, cognitive and social skills are developing.
Health tracker
Helps to monitor the health of the baby. You can always check and supplement information about the height and weight of the newborn, the need to be vaccinated and take medication. In case of diseases, you will know about all the symptoms of the baby’s illness and will be able to make an appointment with the right doctor by sending him all the necessary information in a convenient format by e-mail or in a messenger.
With the help of statistics, you can record daily information about how the baby ate, how and how much he slept, how he felt, whether he was active during the day. The collected statistics will make it possible to better understand its state of health, needs and norms of development and growth, as well as to respond in time to prevent any health problems, on his own or by visiting a children's specialist.
Care I love you ~ Feeding My daughter Child Mother Weasel My son Femininity Happiness Bathing ~
Bathing Mother Happiness Health Sound sleep ~ Development I love you ~ Feeding My daughter My Sunshine Care ~ My Sunshine Femininity My son Mother
Care ~ Weasel My Sunshine Femininity My son Mother Care I love you ~ Feeding My son Femininity Happiness
Tracker for young breastfeeding mothers
Baby growth and development tracking
Now the condition of your baby is in your hands.